St. John church and The Palace of Consoli



41 km far from Perrugia there is Gubbio, the city of silence, which keeping intact its medieval urban planning structure, remains one of the most typical cities of Umbria.
Placed at the neck opening of Bottaccione river, on the abrupt peeks of Ingino Mountain and with its wall belt around, Gubbio seems to be forgotten by the time itself.
Raised during past times as the Umbria headquarters, Iguvium consequently became the Rome ally and a flourishing municipal during the empire times.

The so-called “TAVOLE EUGUBINE” (Eugubian Tables) representing 7 bronze tables preserved now-a-days by the Palace of Consoli can testify indeed the city’s ancient times. References of religious ceremonies of the 3rd century b.C. are written on these bronze tables in the ancient Umbrian language using Etruscan and Latin characters.
It seems that these tables could come from the Apennine Jupiter Temple in the neighbourhoods of Gubbio.

The Roman period left us instead the magnificent Roman Theatre which even our days hosts numerous theatrical manifestations.

During the medieval times, Gubbio (Agobio) used to be a free town ( comune), strongly supporting the Ghibellini fraction (a political fraction in favour of the Emperor, while the opposite fraction was in favour of the Pope, namely Guelfi). A notable prosperity has been remarkably reached here especially as a consequence of the victory towards the coalition of 11 cities that under the leadership of Perugia city was meant to destroy Gubbio. That decaying age occurred under the dominion of Gabriellis and then of the Church. Starting with 1384 it passed to Montefeltros, the dukes of Urbino, who offered a new splendor to the city. In 1624 it became part of the Papal State and in 1860 started to belong to the Kingdom of Italy.
Today Gubbio is a tourist center of primary importance. The city has about 14,000 inhabitants and the town (commune) (by extension one of the biggest in Italy) counts about 32,000 inhabitants.
Beyond the tourism the local economy is also based on a well developed craftsmanship processing the ceramic, wood and forged iron. The most important monuments are as follows: PALAZZO DEI CONSOLI (The Palace of Consoli) of 1332, PALAZZO DUCALE (The Palace of Dukes) of the late 400s, DUOMO (The Cathedral), TEATRO ROMANO (The Roman Theatre) and BASILICA di S.UBALDO (The Saint Ubaldo’s Church) on INGINO Mountain.


The most important demonstration is FESTA DEI CERI (The Wax Feast) on May 15th, the vigil day of the day dedicated to the city protector: Saint Ubaldo.
(To find out more about this feast you can log in and
Here are some other important feasts: CERI PICCOLI (Small wax) and CERI MEZZANI (Middle wax) (which are attended by the Eugubian children and teenagers respectively on the two Sundays subsequent to the Wax Feast) and finally PALIO DELLA BALESTRA (The CROSS-BOWS Competition) which opposites the cross-bowmans of Gubbio towards those of San Marino, San Sepolcro or other cities.

Festa dei Ceri (The Wax Feast), Stemma of Gubbio and the commemorative stamp of the Feast in 1983

The Christmas Tree

And finally we ought to remind that Gubbio has been hosting every year the greatest Christmas Tree in the world. Coloured lights of the lighthouses around make possible the Ingino Mountain to be seen from far away coming from Perugia. This unique sight rends worthy indeed a visit to Gubbio during Christmas time. You should imagine that some airlines have changed their routes in order to allow their passengers to admire from above this entire splendour…
With its base of 450 m wide and 500 m high the tree entered already Guinness Book records.
The top star is 40 m large and 25 m high.
About 19 km electrical cable, 1050 light spots, 2000 plugs are only some of the ‘matters’ which this tree needs to be switched on.
This is to be happen on December 7th. On January 10th, it is switched off.
In the year of 2000, the Chairman of the Tree Committee, Mr. Luigi Monacelli, has consigned a “honorary partner” diploma to Mr. Ubaldo Braccini.

The Eugubian restaurants and hotels are ready to offer excellent conditions to all the welcoming tourists. The local kitchen won’t let you forget TARTUFO BIANCO (the white truffle), anitra in porchetta (spiced roast duck), piccione arrosto (roast pigeon) and baccala alla ceraiola (cooked dried cod). Moreover highly appreciated are the wines of the Eugubian hills, especially the rosy wine (rosato di Gubbio). To see the list of the best restaurants and hotels at Gubbio, click here RISTORANTI.
If you look for traditional cuisine art of Umbria, click here RICETTE


Saint Francesco and the wolf of Gubbio

During Saint Francesco’s times (13th century) a huge wolf used to rage around. The poor man of Assisi knew that and left Gubbio to look for the wolf. Once found, the saint made the beast to regret its former behaviour. With all regrets inside, the wolf finally offered its paw to Saint Francesco. Soon after the people adopted the wolf and started to feed it ever since. And when the brother wolf died of its old age it was buried in sacred ground.

It is worth mentioning here that certain scholars do not consider it being a real wolf but a scoundrel whom the saint succeeded to convert to faith.


Saint Ubaldo – the Bishop of Gubbio

Saint Ubaldo was the Bishop of Gubbio in the 12th century. There were the dark times of the Middle Age when the cities (comuni) fought against each other for the supremacy. Thus, Gubbio found itself involved in such a bloody war against a coalition of Perugia, Gualdo Tadino and other 9 boundary cities. However, the legend let us know that Gubbio, led by its own bishop, Saint Ubaldo, succeeded to come out of this war covered by glory after overcoming miraculously all its enemies.

In 1160, when the bishop died, he was immediately proclaimed Blissful and then Saint. His body was preserved in an urn which was subsequently placed in the church consecrated to him on the Ingino Mountain.

Even the great Dante, within his 11th Canto del Paradiso, reminds and quotes the Ingino Mountain and Saint Ubaldo, referring to Chiascio river that is coming out of this mountain:
Intra Tupino e l' acqua che discende
del colle eletto dal Beato Ubaldo,

Between Tupino and the water descending
from the hill chosen by Blessed Ubaldo,

The Urn containing the uncorrupted body of Saint Ubaldo

Here is the GOLD BOOK for VISITORS



Pagina creata da C. Fanucci

Ristoranti e alberghi di Gubbio, Cucina regionale UMBRA, Cucina di Gubbio, Alberghi di Gubbio, Ristoranti di Gubbio - Guida agli alberghi e ristoranti di Gubbio, La cucina regionale Umbra tutte le ricette di Gubbio, Il baccala' alla Ceraiola le ricette di Gubbio.Ristoranti e alberghi di Gubbio, Cucina regionale UMBRA, Cucina di Gubbio, Alberghi di Gubbio, Ristoranti di Gubbio - Guida agli alberghi e ristoranti di Gubbio, La cucina regionale Umbra tutte le ricette di Gubbio, Il baccala' alla Ceraiola le ricette di Gubbio.Ristoranti e alberghi di Gubbio, Cucina regionale UMBRA, Cucina di Gubbio, Alberghi di Gubbio, Ristoranti di Gubbio - Guida agli alberghi e ristoranti di Gubbio, La cucina regionale Umbra tutte le ricette di Gubbio, Il baccala' alla Ceraiola le ricette di Gubbio.Ristoranti e alberghi di Gubbio, Cucina regionale UMBRA, Cucina di Gubbio, Alberghi di Gubbio, Ristoranti di Gubbio - Guida agli alberghi e ristoranti di Gubbio, La cucina regionale Umbra tutte le ricette di Gubbio, Il baccala' alla Ceraiola le ricette di Gubbio.