COMMAND INDEX (TRADUZIONE DISPONIBILE) ! logical negation of a Boolean value & performs a logical bit-wise AND of two bit patterns. && logical AND of a true/false status of two values &= a logical bit-wise AND of two bit patterns, whereby the first pattern must be in an integer variable. ' program comments *= multiplies a numeric variable with a numeric expression. ++ increments a numeric variable. += adds a numeric expression to a numeric variable. -- decrements a numeric variable. -= subtracts a numeric expression from a numeric variable. /*...*/ program comments // program comments /= divides a numeric expression into a numeric variable. << shifts a bit pattern left. >> shifts a bit pattern right. @ unconditional branch ^= performs an exclusive bit-wise OR on two bit patterns, whereby the first pattern must be in an integer variable. ^^ logical XOR of true/false status of two values _DATA positions the data pointer for READ at a value previously determined with the _DATA function. _DC() returns the handle of the Device Context for a window area. _dosCmd$ returns the MS-DOS or MS-Windows command string (from the command line). _FILE(n) returns the MS-DOS or MS-Windows file handle of the opened file #n. If file #n is not opened a 0 is returned, or in case of devices (CON: LPT1:...) a negative number is returned. _WDC() returns the handle of a display area on total screen area. _X contains the width of the current window in pixels. _Y contains the height of the current window in pixels. {} reads a double word (32 bits) from an address. {}= writes a double word (32 bits) to an address. | performs a logical bit-wise OR on two bit patterns. |= performs a logical bit-wise OR on two bit patterns, whereby the first pattern must be in an integer variable. || logical OR of a true/false status of two values ~ a bitwise NOT ~ voids a numeric expression. ABS() returns the absolute value of a numeric expression. ACOS() returns the arc cosine of a numeric expression. ADD adds a numeric expression to a numeric variable. ADD() adds up two or more integer expressions. ADJUSTW calculates the measurements of a window based on the given window client area. ALERT draws an Alert Box on the screen. AND performs a logical bit-wise AND of two bit patterns AND() performs a logical bit-wise AND of two bit patterns ARCOSH() returns the hyperbolic cosine area of a numeric expression. ARRANGEICONS arranges iconized Child windows (minimized Child windows) within a given window in rows. ARRAYFILL initiallizes a numerical array of any type with a value. ARRPTR() returns the hyperbolic sine area of a numeric expression. ARTANH() returns the hyperbolic tangent area of a numeric expression. ASC() determines the ASCII value of the first character in a string. ASIN() returns the arc sine of a numeric expression. ATAN() returns the arc tangent of a numeric expression. ATN() returns the arc tangent of a numeric expression. BCHG() changes the status of a bit in an integer expression. BCLR() clears one bit in an integer expression. BEEP sounds a warning. BGET fast read of files saved with BPUT. BIN$() converts an integer expression to a binary string representation. BITBLT copies a source raster (Bitmap) to a destination raster. BLOAD fast load of files saved with BSAVE. BMOVE copies an area of memory. BOUND() bounds test BOUNDB() bounds test BOUNDC() bounds test BOUNDW() bounds test BOX draws a rectangle. BPUT fast save of an area of memory to disk. BSAVE fast save of an area of memory to disk. BSET() sets one bit in an integer expression. BTST() tests the bit status in an integer expression. BYTE() masks with 255 BYTE{} reads a byte from an address. BYTE{}= writes a byte-sized (8 bits) signed integer expression to an address. C invokes a subroutine written in C or assembler. CALL invokes a subroutine written in C or assembler. CARD() performs an AND 65535 CARD{} reads a word (16 bits) from an address. CARD{}= writes a word (16 bits) to an address. CASE a part of the SELECT...CASE structure. It contains the condition test. CEIL() returns the smallest integer number greater than or equal to a numeric expression. CFLOAT() converts an integer into a floating point number. CHAIN loads a GFA-BASIC program in memory and runs it. CHAR{} reads a string from an address until the next zero byte. CHAR{}= writes a string to an address. CHDIR sets the current directory. CHDRIVE sets the current drive. CHILDW creates a Child window within a window. CHR$() converts an integer expression into a character. CINT() converts a floating point number to an integer. CIRCLE draws a circle. CLEAR deletes all variables and arrays. CLEARW# deletes the contents of a window. CLIP sets the bounds for graphic output. CLIPCOPY copies data, whose data format was previously set with CLIPFORMAT, to the clipboard. CLIPCURSOR limits the movements of the mouse cursor to a rectangle. CLIPFORMAT sets a data handle for input/output operations to and from the clipboard. CLIPPASTE reads data, with the data format previously set with CLIPFORMAT, from the clipboard. CLOSE closes a channel. CLOSEDIALOG deletes a dialog box shown with SHOWDIALOG from the screen. CLOSEMETA closes previously created metafile. CLOSEW# closes a window. CLR deletes all variables listed after this command. CLRCLIP deletes the contents of the clipboard. CLS clears the screen. COLOR sets the character COLOR. COMBIN() returns the number of combinations of n elements to k-th order without repetition. CONT 1. a part of the SELECT...CASE structure. It performs an unconditional branch to the next CASE or DEFAULT. COS() returns the cosine of a numeric expression. COSH() returns the hyperbolic cosine of a numeric expression. COSQ() returns the extrapolated cosine of a numeric expression. CREATEBMP() creates a bitmap. CREATEMETA opens/creates a metafile. CRSCOL returns the current cursor position. CRSLIN returns the current cursor position. CURVE draws a Bezier curve. CVD() converts the first eight characters in a string from binary to IEEE double format. CVI() converts the first two characters in a string to a 16 bit integer. CVL() converts the first four characters in a string to a 32 bit integer. CVS() converts the first four characters in a string from binary to IEEE single format. DATA declares numerical and/or string constants. DATE$ returns the system date. DATE$= sets the system date. DEC decrements a numeric variable. DEC$() converts an integer expression to decimal representation. DECL Declares a function in a DLL DEFAULT a part of the SELECT...CASE structure. It contains a branch directive which is performed when either none of the CASE conditions is met or a CONT is used to explicitly branch to DEFAULT. DEFBIT declares specified variables as Boolean (bit) variables. DEFBYT declares specified variables as 1 byte (8 bit) integer variables. DEFDBL declares specified variables as 8 byte (64 bit) floating point variables. DEFFILL defines a fill pattern. DEFFLT declares specified variables as 8 byte (64 bit) floating point variables. DEFFN defines one-line functions. DEFINT declares specified variables as 4 byte (32 bit) integer variables. DEFLINE defines the line type. DEFMOUSE sets the mouse. DEFNUM sets the formatting of output of numbers with all variations of PRINT. DEFSNG declares specified variables as 8 byte (64 bit) floating point variables. DEFSTR declares specified variables as string variables. DEFWRD declares specified variables as 2 byte (16 bit) integer variables. DEG() returns the angle of a numeric expression in degrees. DELAY interrupts a program. DELETE deletes an element from a one-dimensional array of any variable type. DFREE() determines the amount of free disk space on current drive. DIALOG creates the header for a Dialog structure. DIM creates an array of any variable type DIM?() returns the number of elements in a numeric array or the number of strings in a string array. DIR$() sets the current path name. DIR...TO prints the directories in current path name. DISABLEW disables mouse and keyboard input for a window. DIV divides a numeric expression into a numeric variable. DIV() divides two integer expressions. DLG() returns the handle of a dialog structure. DLGBASE scales the measurements of dialog boxes and Dialog Controls. DLGITEM() returns the handle of a dialog item. DLL opens a DLL (dynamic link library). DO...LOOP an infinite programming loop, which runs "endlessly" and can only be interrupted by the command EXIT IF. DOUBLE{} reads a 64-bit IEEE double number from an address. DOUBLE{} writes a 64-bit IEEE double number to an address. DPEEK() reads two bytes (16 bits) from an address. DPOKE writes a word (16 bits) to an address. DRAGBOX Graphic moves a graphic segment around the screen. DRAW draws a point or a line between two points on the screen. DRAWTEXT displays formatted text. EDIT returns to the GFA-BASIC editor without deleting the program. ELLIPSE draws an ellipse. ENABLED?() returns TRUE if the mouse and keyboard input is currently possible in the window specified in wh&. ENABLEW enables mouse and keyboard input for a window. END terminates a GFA-BASIC program. ENDDIALOG indicates the end of a dialog structure. ENDDLL closes a DLL command including the declaration commands. EOF() tests if the data pointer points to the end of a file. EQV() returns the bit-wise equivalent of two bit patterns. ERASE deletes all arrays listed after it. ERR invokes an error ERR$() determines an error. ERROR triggers an error. EVEN() tests if a numeric expression is even and returns -1 (true) if it is, or 0 if the expression is odd. EXEC loads and runs a program from within the GFA-BASIC interpreter. EXEC() returns a value from the invoked program. EXIST determines if a particular file exists. EXIT IF serves to terminate a loop when the condition following EXIT...IF is logically "true". EXP() returns the EULER's number e (= 2.178...) to the power of a numeric expression. FACT() returns the factorial of a natural number. FALSE 0 constant for logical false FATAL evaluates an error. FGETDTA returns the address of the disk transfer area (DTA). FIELD # ...AS...AT random access file management FILES...TO prints the directories in the current path name. FILESELECT file selection FILL fills any enclosed area. FILLMODE sets the fill mode. FIX() returns the integer portion of a numeric expression. FLASH flashes a window by toggling the active/inactive mode. FLOOR() returns the next smaller integer number. FN unconditional branch. FOR...NEXT a programming loop which is executed the specified number of times. FORM INPUT entry of string variables FORM INPUT AS entry of string variables FRAC() returns the fractional part of a numeric expression. FRE() reports the amount of free (main) memory. FREEBMP deletes from memory a bitmap created with CREATEBMP. FREEDC deletes a Device Context (handle). FREEDLL releases a DLL (dynamic link library) FSETDTA sets new address for the disk transfer area. FSFIRST() searches for the first file that satisfies given criteria. FSNEXT() searches for the next file according to the criteria set with FSFIRST. FULLW# expands a window to its maximum size evaluates an arithmetic expression which is repeatedly used throughout the program, whereby the result of the expression changes depending on the variables passed to it. GET saves a portion of the screen in a string variable or a bitmap. GET # reads a record from a random access file. GETDEVCAPS() returns information about a specific output device. GETEVENT monitors menu and window events GETNEAREST(); returns a value for the COLOR command which comes closest to the given RGB value. GETSIZE() returns the size of a rectangle in bytes. GETWINRECT returns the origin as well as the width and height of a window including its border. GOSUB unconditional branch GOTO unconditional branch GRAPHMODE control of graphic output on bit level GRAYTEXT displays given text in gray. HEX$() converts an integer expression to hexadecimal representation. HIBYTE() returns the high byte in a word expression. HICARD() returns the high word in a longword expression. The expression is treated as unsigned. HIDEM hides the mouse pointer. HIWORD() returns the high word in a longword expression. HTAB cursor positioning ICONIC?() returns TRUE if the window is iconized. IF...ENDIF a conditional branch statement allowing for execution of specific program segments only when a condition is logically "true". IMP() a logical bit-wise combination of two bit patterns INC increments a numeric variable. INKEY$ reads a character from the keyboard (excluding special keys like Shift, Alt, Alt Gr, Ctrl...). INP(#n) reads a byte from a previously opened file. INP(PORT) reads a byte from a port. INPUT entry of variables or lists of variables, with or without the prompt INPUT # reads data from a previously opened file. INPUT$ reads a string from the keyboard or a file. INSERT inserts a numeric or a string expression at the specified place in a one-dimensional array of corresponding variable type. INSTR() searches a string expression for occurrence of a substring, optionally from a given position. If the substring is found, the position at which it begins is returned. If the substring is not found a 0 is returned. INT() returns the integer portion of a numeric expression. INT{} reads a word (16 bits) from an address. INT{}= writes a word (16 bits) to an address. INVALIDATE marks a specified rectangle for redraw. INVERT displays the contents of a rectangle in inverse. KEYGET gets the first character in the keyboard buffer. KEYTEST reads the first character in the keyboard buffer. KILL deletes a file KILLEVENT deletes redraw messages. KILLTIMER deletes a timer event. LCASE$() converts all capital letters of a string expression to lower case letters, with the exception of PC umlauts (US character table). LEFT$() returns the first characters of a string expression. LEN() determines the length of a character string. LET assignment of variables LINE draws a line on the screen. LINE INPUT entry of string variables or lists of string variables with or without a prompt. LINE INPUT # reads strings from a previously opened file. LIST displays the current program. LOAD loads a GFA-BASIC program into GFA-BASIC editor. LOADBMP() loads a bitmap and returns a handle. LOBYTE() returns the low byte in a word expression. LOC() returns the current position of the file data pointer. LOCAL defines local variables in a subroutine. LOCARD() returns the low word in a longword expression. The expression is treated as unsigned. LOCATE cursor positioning LOCAXY places the cursor at column, line. LOCAYX places the cursor at line, column. LOF() determines the length of a file. LOG() returns the natural logarithm of a numeric expression. LOG10() returns the base 10 logarithm of a numeric expression. LOG2() returns the binary logarithm of a numeric expression. LONG{} reads a double word (32 bits) from an address. LONG{}= writes a double word (32 bits) to an address. LOWER$() converts all capital letters of a string expression including all PC umlauts (IBM character set) to lower case letters. LOWORD() returns the low word in a longword expression. LPEEK() reads a double word (32 bits) from an address. LPOKE writes a double word (32 bits) to an address. LSET moves a string expression, left justified, to a string. MAKELONG() creates a longword integer variable out of two word integer expressions. MALLOC() reserves memory. MAPMODE sets the conversion mode for the current Device Context. MAT ADD adds all elements in two (one- or two-dimensional) floating point arrays. MAT BASE sets the row and column offsets for array indexing. MAT CLR sets all elements in a one- or two-dimensional floating point array to 0. MAT CPY copies a number of rows with a number of elements, from row/column offset in the source matrix to row/column offset in the target matrix. MAT DET calculates the determinant of a two-dimensional floating point array which is interpreted as a matrix. MAT INPUT # reads a file into a floating point array. MAT INV calculates an inverse of a two-dimensional floating point array which is interpreted as a matrix. MAT MUL multiplies one- or two-dimensional floating point arrays which are interpreted as matrices. MAT NEG negates all elements in a one- or two-dimensional floating point array MAT NORM row- or column-wise normalising of a two-dimensional floating point array which is interpreted as a matrix. MAT ONE creates a unitary matrix. MAT PRINT prints the elements of an array to screen or a channel. MAT QDET calculates the determinant of a two-dimensional floating point array which is interpreted as a matrix. MAT RANK returns the rank of a two-dimensional floating point array which is interpreted as a matrix. MAT READ reads values from DATA lines into a floating point array. MAT SET assigns a value to all elements of a one- or two-dimensional floating point array. MAT SUB subtracts all elements in two (one- or two-dimensional) floating point arrays. MAT TRANS copies a transposed source matrix into a target matrix. MAT XCPY copies a specified number of rows containing a specified number of elements, from the given row/column offset in source matrix to the given row/column offset in target matrix. The source matrix, or the relevant part of it, are internally transposed before copying. MAX() returns the largest argument. MEMAND performs a logical bit-wise AND of two bit patterns in memory. MEMBFILL fills memory area with a byte value. MEMDC() creates a memory Device Context (DC), which is compatible to the given Device Context. MEMLFILL fills memory area with a longword (4-byte) value. MEMOR performs a logical bit-wise OR of two bit patterns in memory. MEMWFILL fills memory area with a word (2-byte) value. MEMXOR performs a logical bit-wise XOR of two bit patterns in memory. MENU displays a menu bar. MENU KILL removes a pop-up menu MENU() event management in pop-up menus and windows MESSAGE creates a message box. MFREE() releases reserved memory. MID$ moves a string expression of specified length to the chosen place in a character string. MID$() starting from position p, returns the next m characters of a string expression. MIN() returns the smallest argument. MIRROR$() generates a string which is a mirror image of the given character expression. MKD$() converts a 64-bit floating point expression to eight characters in IEEE double format. MKDIR creates a directory. MKI$() converts a 16-bit integer expression to two characters. MKS$() converts a 32-bit floating point expression into IEEE single format in four characters. MOD calculates the modulo of an integer expression based on the second integer expression. Monitor debugger breakpoint. MOUSE returns the current X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer, the status of the mouse buttons and (optionally) the status of the keyboard shift keys (KB shift). MOUSEK returns the current status of the mouse buttons. MOUSESX returns the current x position of the mouse in pixels relative to the upper left corner of the Desktop. MOUSESY returns the current y position of the mouse in pixels relative to the upper left corner of the Desktop. MOUSEX returns the current X coordinate of the mouse pointer. MOVEW # moves a window. MSHRINK() decrements reserved memory MUL multiplies a numeric variable with a numeric expression. MUL() multiplies two or more integer expressions. NAME...AS renames a file. NEW deletes the current program in main memory. NOT performs a logical bit-wise NOT. OCT$() converts an integer expression to octal representation. ODD() tests if a numeric expression is odd and returns -1 (true) if it is, or 0 if the expression is even. ON BREAK turns on the operating system monitoring of Control + Break key combination. ON BREAK CONT turns off the Control+Break key combination. ON BREAK GOSUB performs a branch when Control+Break key combination is pressed. ON ERROR turns on the reporting of error messages by the operating system or GFA-BASIC. ON ERROR GOSUB jumps to a routine when an error occurs ON MENU monitors events in menus and windows ON MENU GOSUB a branch based on a menu event ON MENU KEY GOSUB a branch based on a menu event ON MENU MESSAGE GOSUB a branch based on a menu event ON...GOSUB performs a branch to a subroutine specified after GOSUB, conditional on the value of the expression after ON. OPEN opens a data channel to a file or a peripheral device. OPENW# opens a window. OPTION BASE sets the starting offset for row/column indexing of arrays. OR performs a logical bit-wise OR on two bit patterns. OR() performs a logical bit-wise OR on two bit patterns. OUT #n sends a byte to an already opened file. OUT PORT hardware access P saves a parameter list on stack. PARENT() reports the parent window number for the given child window. PARENTW creates a window same as OPENW, however, it uses the style flags to configure the window. PATBLT; combines the given rectangle with the current fill pattern. PAUSE interrupts a program. PBOX draws a filled rectangle. PCIRCLE draws a filled circle. PEEK$() writes the contents of memory to a string variable. PEEK() reads a byte (8 bits) from an address. PEEKEVENT monitors menu and window events PELLIPSE draws a filled ellipse. PI contains the constant (3.14...). PLAYMETA outputs a metafile into a specified Device Context. PLOT draws a point on the screen. POINT returns the colour of a point. POKE writes a byte (8 bits) to an address. POKE$ writes to memory from a string variable. POLYFILL fills a polygon with a pattern. POLYLINE draws connected lines with an arbitrary number of corners. POPUP() creates a pop-up menu. POS() returns the number of characters printed since the last carriage return. POSTMESSAGE posts a message in the message queue of an application program (window). The function does not wait (like SENDMESSAGE) for the message to be processed. The posted message is retrieved by calling the Windows functions GetMessage() or PeekMessage(). PRBOX draws a filled rectangle with rounded corners. PRED() calculates the first whole number smaller than an integer expression. PRED() returns a character whose ASCII value is one less than the first character of a string expression. PRINT output of numerical and/or string expressions PRINT # outputs data to a file channel PRINT #n,USING output of formatted data to a file channel PRINT AT output of numerical and/or string expressions PRINT AT ... USING formatted output to screen PRINT ATXY output of numeric and/or string expressions at a specific position PRINT ATYX output of numeric and/or string expressions at a specific position PRINT USING formatted output to screen PROCEDURE...RETURN gathers together into a subroutine, program segments which are used repeatedly within the program. PSAVE saves the current GFA-BASIC program with LIST protection. PSET sets a graphic point. PUT copies a portion of the screen saved with GET to screen memory. PUT # writes a record to a random access file. QSORT sorts the elements in an array by its size using the Quicksort algorithm. QUIT terminates a GFA-BASIC program and returns back to the calling program. RAD() returns the radian equivalent of an angle specified in degrees. RAND() returns a 16-bit random integer number in the range from 0 to n-1 inclusive. RANDOM() returns an integer random number between 0 (inclusive) and x (exclusive). RANDOMIZE seeds the random number generators. RBOX draws a rectangle with rounded corners. RC_INTERSECT() determines the overlapping area between two rectangles. READ reads data from DATA lines into variables. REALIZE converts entries in the logical (colour) palette of the current window to system palette. RECALL # fast load of text files saved with STORE. RECORD # specifies the next record to be read with GET # or written with PUT #. Register releases the exclusive mouse input which was limited to a specific window with SETCAPTURE. RELSEEK # relative positioning of the data pointer REM program comment RENAME...AS renames a file. REPEAT...UNTIL a terminal program loop which runs until the condition at the end of the loop is logically "true". RESTORE positions the data pointer for READ RESTOREDC restores a previously save status of a Device Contextes (DC). RESUME error handling RGBCOLOR sets the component colours from the current window palette RIGHT$() returns the last m characters of a string expression. RINSTR() searches for a substring in a string expression, optionally from a given position. If the substring is found, the position at which the substring begins within the string expression is returned. If the substring is not found a 0 is returned. RMDIR deletes a directory. RND generates a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). ROL() rotates a bit pattern left. ROR() rotates a bit pattern right. ROUND() rounds off the numeric expression x. RSET moves a string expression, right justified, to a string. RUBBERBOX cuts out a rectangular segment of the screen. RUN runs the program in memory. SAVE saves the current GFA-BASIC program. SAVEDC saves information about the status of the current Device Context (DC). SCALE() divides an integer variable into the product of two other integer variables. SEEK # absolute positioning of the data pointer SELECT...CASE A conditional command which enables execution of specified program segments depending on an integer expression. SENDMESSAGE sends a message to one or more windows. The SENDMESSAGE command does not return before the message has been processed. After receiving a SENDMESSAGE call Windows immediately calls the relevant window function. SETCAPTURE redirects all mouse actions to a specific window. SETDC sets a Device Context. SETMAPPERFLAG sets the mode for the conversion of a logical font into physical font. SETMOUSE sets the mouse cursor to a defined position. SETTIME sets the system time and date. SETTIMER sets a timer event. SETWINDOWSTYLE changes the appearance of a window after OPENW by modifying its attributes. SGN() returns the sign of a numeric expression. SHELL invokes the command interpreter SHL() shifts a bit pattern left. SHORT() sign extension SHORT{} reads a word (16 bits) from an address. SHORT{}= writes a word (16 bits) to an address. SHOWDIALOG displays a dialog structure on the screen. SHOWM shows the mouse pointer. SHOWW displays a window with a certain status. SHR() shifts a bit patter right. SIN() returns the sine of a numeric expression. SINGLE{} reads a 32-bit number in IEEE double format from an address. SINGLE{} writes a 32-bit number in IEEE double format to an address. SINH() returns the hyperbolic sine of a numeric expression. SINQ() returns the extrapolated sine of a numeric expression. SIZEW # changes the size of a window. SLEEP SLEEP waits for occurrence of a message and branches then to the procedures specified in ON MENU xxx GOSUB. SOUND sounds a tone of adjustable height and duration. SPACE$() creates a string consisting of a specified number of spaces. SPC prints spaces. SQR() returns the positive square root of a numeric expression. SSORT sorts the elements in an array by its size using the Shell-Metzner algorithm. STACKSIZE changes the size of GFA-BASIC stack memory. STOP halts a GFA-BASIC program. STORE # fast save of a string array as a text file STR$() converts a numeric expression into a string. STRETCH extends or shrinks the dimensions of a bitmap. STRING$() creates a string consisting of a string expression repeated specified number of times. SUB subtracts a numeric expression from a numeric variable. SUB() subtracts two integer expressions. SUCC() calculates the first natural number greater than an integer expression. SUCC() returns a character whose ASCII value is one greater than the first character of a string expression. SWAP swaps two variables of the same type. SWAP() swaps the low and high words. SWITCH a part of the SELECT...CASE structure. It contains the condition test. SYSCOL sets colours for the menu bar, pull-down menus, pop-up menus and window frames. SYSCOL() returns the system colour of a specific element. SYSMETRIC() returns the dimensions of a specified element. SYSTEM terminates a GFA-BASIC program and returns back to the calling program. TAB() prints spaces. TAN() returns the tangent of a numeric expression. TANH() returns the hyperbolic tangent of a numeric expression. TEXT output of an expression as graphic text TIME$ returns the system time. TIME$= sets the system time. TIMER returns the time in milliseconds. TITLEW# writes a string on the title line of a window. TOPW# activates a window. TOUCH updates the time and date stamps of a file with current values. TRACE$ locates errors in a program. TRIM$ removes spaces at the beginning or end of a string expression. TROFF turns off TRON. TRON lists commands during program execution. TRUE -1 constant TRUNC() returns the integer part of a numeric expression. TYPE DEFINITION of a file structure UCASE$() converts all lower case letters of a string expression to capital letters, with the exception of PC umlauts (US character table). UPDATECOLORS preforms a conversion of current colours within the given window to system palette on a pixel by pixel basis. UPPER$() converts all lower case letters of a string expression including all PC umlauts (IBM character set) to capital letters. USHORT() performs AND 65535. USHORT{} reads a word (16 bits) from an address. USHORT{}= writes a word (16 bits) to an address. UWORD() performs AND 65535 UWORD{} reads a word (16 bits) from an address. UWORD{}= writes a word (16 bits) to an address. V: returns the address of a variable or an array element. VAL() converts a string expression into a number. VAL?() determines how many places of a string expression will be converted when using VAL(). VALIDATE closes a rectangle during redraw. VAR declaration part of the parameter list for a PROCEDURE or FUNCTION, which is followed Call by Reference Variables. VARIAT() returns the number of permutations of n elements to k-th order without repetition. VARPTR() returns the address of a variable or an array element. VIEWPORT scales the given Device Context. VISIBLE?() returns TRUE if the window (=Top Window) is visible. VOID voids a numeric expression. VTAB cursor positioning WHILE...WEND A terminal program loop which runs until the condition at the beginning of the loop is logically "true". WIN selects a window. WIN(); returns the number of the window where the current output takes place. WINDGET reads window parameters. WINDSET writes window parameters. WORD() sign extension WORD{} reads a word (16 bits) from an address. WORD{}= writes a word (16 bits) to an address. WRITE saves data to sequential files for later read with INPUT #. XLATE$() replaces all characters of a string expression with values from a table. XOR() performs an exclusive bit-wise OR on two bit patterns. ZOOMED?() returns TRUE if the window is maximized.